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Chinese Animal Signs, 2010 forecast, Lucky Stones & Charms ( Click on the zodiac sign for more ... & Click here to find your Animal Sign... )














2010 - Year of the White Metal Tiger

February 14, 2010 - February 02, 2011

The "Yang Metal Tiger"!

General Overview of White Metal Tiger Year

The Year of the Metal Tiger 2010

In reference to the Chinese calendar the Chinese New Year begins on 14th February 2010 until 3rd February 2011. It should be clarified that in Feng Shui we work with the Hsia calendar or the Solar Calendar whilst Chinese New Year celebrations are based on the Lunar calendar which falls on the 14th February for 2010.

In the Chinese Calendar, the yin or yang version of one of the Five Elements will show up throughout a ten-year period. This will also coincide with one of the 12 Chinese Animals. Therefore, with this combination of the Five Elements with the 12 Animals, there are 60 years in the Chinese Calendar.

The Metal Tiger year begins in 2010 on Valentines Day! The last one was way back in 1950 and certainly as a year it brought about plenty of change, challenge and even war. You have two conflicting and very powerful elements at play during the year of the Metal Tiger. To begin with, the Metal in a year that ends with a zero, e.g. 2010, 1950, 1940, 1930, etc., is yang Metal. This can be symbolic of a sword or an axe. It brings about decisions, compliance and strength. There's also quite a strong military aspect to yang Metal. In addition, the 12-year cycle of Animals brings the Tiger into play, and this animal belongs to the Wood element (Metal and Wood clash) and the Tiger represents defence, power, strength and sometimes conflict. When Metal and the Tiger combine, you literally have a coiled up Tiger that is ready to unleash or pounce on its prey!

On 31 January 1950, President Harry Truman ordered the development of the hydrogen bomb. In February 1950 Albert Einstein warned that nuclear war could lead to mutual destruction; a day later the US Air Force launched a B36 bomber with an atomic bomb. In South Africa the Group Areas Act was passed which effectively brought Apartheid into place. During the same month Britain recognised Israel. During May 1950 the very first FIA Formula One World Championship at Silverstone, England. June 1950 saw the start of the Korean War. In August of the same year a B-29 Super Fortress crashed in California. October saw the invasion of Tibet by China, and to this day the situation has never changed there. Another B-50 Super Fortress US Bomber ran into problems in Canada. The Korean War continued. In December Mount Etna erupted in Sicily and President Truman sent advisors to Vietnam to help the French Forces. All in all, a very changeable and volatile year.

I believe that as time spins quicker and with stronger force nowadays, we may see many examples of rapid change occurring.

The Year of the Tiger 2010 is a Yang Metal year, and it's a year of much activity, drama, changefulness, crisis, and unpredictability. Tiger years are associated with political and social instability or upheaval. Metal is not a very compatible element for Tiger (Tiger prefers Wood and Fire), and thus 2010 is expected to be challenging and turbulent overall. Nevertheless, the Tiger does prefer Yang, and 2010 is a Yang year, which strengthens matters somewhat. It is strong for technological advances and innovations.

The overall theme is one of change and unpredictability, and so all signs will benefit from remaining flexible and adaptable to changeful conditions in 2010. While caution and moderation were advised in 2009, the Year of the Ox, flexibility and the ability to deal with change are essential qualities in 2010.

The Tiger's independent, innovative, assertive, leading, and honorable traits are qualities that will be especially favored in the year of the Tiger.

The last Tiger Metal year was 1950 (February 17, 1950, to February 5, 1951).

During Chinese New Year period, Many people like to read their Chinese Horoscopes for the coming year. Read 2010 forecast on clicking the signs given above.

2010 for Animal Signs and Chinese Zodiac Signs

In terms of how each Chinese Zodiac sign will fare in the Year of the Tiger, a major consideration is how compatible your sign is with a Tiger sign:

Tigers are most compatible with Dogs and Horses (the Horse, Dog, and Tiger form the harmonious triangle of Ambition), and to some degree with Dragons and Rats, and these are the signs, along with Tigers themselves, that are expected to fare the best in 2010.

Tigers are most incompatible with Monkeys (their opposite sign) and Snakes, and Pigs, and these are the signs that are expected to find 2010 the most challenging.

However, although Tigers are generally incompatible with Pigs, they are also quite attracted to the Pig, so relationships may be easier this year for Pigs.

2010 is the Year of White Tiger, which contains Metal, Wood and Fire. If your Lucky Element is Metal, Wood or Fire, then 2010 will bring you some degree of luck. However, Wood can help Fire to burn, and Metal and Fire are opposite elements. If your Lucky Element is Metal, then Wood and Fire will be unlucky elements. If your Lucky Element is Wood, then Metal should be an unlucky element. This tells us that most people will gain some and lose some in 2010.

Feng Shui energies change from year to year, therefore it is necessary to watch for the re-allocation of positive and negative energies at the beginning of each year, so that we can take necessary precautions when the negative energy happens to arrive at important locations of our home and/or office or affects our Four Pillars (Chinese Astrology).

If you are born in the year of the Monkey, Tiger or Snake or have them anywhere in your Four Pillars chart it is best to wear a Pig Pendant for the whole of 2010 as it will help to harmonise any challenges you may experience, as you may find 2010 more challenging than previous years.

For people who are born in the year of the Rabbit, the Tiger year will bring “Flower of Romance” so one can anticipate a more sociable year with more opportunity to develop friendship with the opposite sex... People born in the year of the Monkey, Rat and Dragon will be into year of “Travelling Horse” and the Tiger year will trigger more travelling and movement.

People born in yin metal day or yin metal year – years ending with 1, such as1951, 1961, 1981, 1971 will meet nobleman in the year of tiger, this means they will encounter supportive people who brings them benefits and help.

Lucky Elements

2010 is the beginning year of Cycle of Wood. Basically, the coming years bring luck for people whose Lucky Element is Wood. If you did very well in 2009 and your Lucky Element is Earth, then you need to know that you don't have the same luck like 2009 in the year of Tiger.

Another important consideration is your Element. The year 2010 is a Yang Metal year. Factor this into your analysis.

Metal is friendly or compatible with Earth and Water.

Metal breaks Wood and Fire melts Metal, so Wood and Fire are incompatible (destructive/hostile) to Metal.

If you are Wood, a Metal year such as this one (2010) may be more difficult for you (metal chops wood!). However, Tigers actually prefer or favor Wood, so we have some ups and downs in 2010.

If you are Fire, a Metal year is also expected to be problematic (fire melts metal) although perhaps not as challenging as it is for Wood.

If you are Earth, a Metal year (2010) is expected to be good overall (metal is born from the earth).

If you are Water, a Metal year (2010) is also expected to be favorable overall (water is born from metal).

If you are Metal by birth, a Metal year is expected to be strong overall.

Yang Metal is attracted to Yin Wood, so relationships can be very good for Yin Wood people in 2010. Enmity between Yang Metal and Yang Wood suggests special challenges for Yang Wood people this year.

Tiger Year 2010 for Love

There can be some fickleness and boredom of routine this year. The Year of the Tiger favors short-term, exciting romances, pleasure-seeking, love as a game of hunting and chasing, and variety in love. The Tiger is also honorable and quite honest and upfront, so we might see more fun-loving but honest expressions of affection this year--more people being upfront about what they are seeking in love and relationships. Independence, playing "hard to get", assertiveness, and bravery are generally viewed as more attractive this year. Dragons, Horses, and Dogs may enjoy the most "success" in love this year. Love and romance may be so-so, average, or status quo for Roosters, Rats, Rabbits, Goats, Pigs, and Tigers. The love forecast for Monkeys, Snakes, and Oxen is less favorable overall.

Tiger Year 2010 for Career and Money 

The Year of the Tiger favors movement, innovation, novelty, and initiative in career matters. Self-employment might be favored this year. People may be more inclined towards gambling or risk-taking with money this year, as well as impulsive spending. Turbulence in career and money matters is likely this year, and the most successful people will bounce back (or pounce?) quickly and react quickly to changes.

It's important to note that while some signs have a higher affinity to the Tiger, and others have a natural incompatibility to the Tiger, the fact that it's a Yang Metal year complicates matters greatly. For example, while the Monkey is incompatible with Tiger and we would naturally expect a more challenging year for the Monkey as a result, Monkeys favor yang and Metal. It's similar for all signs, and the result is a real mixed bag for each and every sign of the Chinese zodiac this year!

The Year of the Tiger is expected to be a quick-moving, turbulent one. As such, it's better suited for those who are anxious to move their plans forward, while it can feel unsettling for those who most value peace and quiet. Opportunities come and go quickly during the Year of the Tiger. Be innovative and adaptable, no matter your sign!



Basics of Flying Star Fengshui

Flying Star System is a system used in Time-Dimension Feng Shui to analyze what type of intangible forces are occupying a particular compass direction. It is moving in a cyclical pattern and constantly changing location in time. It is a body of energies that governs a particular year, month or day. There are nine (9) stars with different influences positioning on each compass direction that affect us.

This system is also used in conjunction with the positioning of important rooms inside a property such as the location of the Main Door, Kitchen, Toilets and Bedrooms. To fully understand this system, let’s take a look at the different stars and its meanings:

  • White Star 1 – star that brings good reputation, recognition and advancement luck.

  • White Star 6 – brings power and authority. It also brings nobleman or helpful people.

  • Green Star 4 – good for literary or academic and relationship luck.

  • Black Star 2 – brings illness and accidents.

  • Jade Star 3 – brings arguments, gossips and stress.

  • Five Yellow – brings major misfortune.

  • Red Star 7 – brings burglary, lawsuit and rivalry

  • White Star # 8 – is the most prosperous and vibrant star in this current period of 8. It governs accumulation of wealth and prosperity from the main source such as salary, rentals, and other financial source in a regular basis. This is also referred to as the Primary Wealth Star.

  • Purple Star # 9 – is the star that brings luck for future expansion or prosperity. It is considered the secondary Wealth Star as it the best star to tap if you want long-term and big profits in the future. Its effect is not immediate.

2010 Flying Star Forecast

Good Stars: 1, 8, 9

Neutral Stars: 4, 6

Bad Stars: 2, 3, 5, 7

9 4 2
1 8 6
5 3 7

2010 annual flying stars duplicate the ruling age of 8. This implies that all stars have double boosters. In Feng Shui system, we also look into the annual energy shift and how it can influence and affect the Feng Shui of our house and workplace.

Stars 5, 2 & 3
Annually, we should be mindful of the three potent stars; 5, 2 and 3.

Star 5 a sickness and loss star is residing at the Southwest sector. If your main door or bedroom window face southwest place a metal object to harmonize star 5.

Star 2 is at the Northeast sector and also inline with this year’s Grand Duke direction. Avoid knocking or carrying out renovation if your main door faces northeast. You may hang a 6 rod metal wind-chime outside this direction. If your bedroom lies at this sector minimize noisy activities such as TV or hi-fi sets. You may hang a strand of 6 ancient Chinese metal coins on the window behind the curtain. Therefore if your house falls on the NE-SW or SW- NE you have to take extra precautions on these two potent stars.

Star 3 a quarrelsome and legal entanglement star is at the south sector. Place something red in color. If it lies at the main door you may place a red color floor rug. In the house south sector turn on a lamp. Fire element is required to dissolve this troublesome star.

Star 7 Another problematic star, number 7, a robbery star resides at the southeast sector. This star may also trigger fire hazard within the home. If your kitchen lies on the southeast sector be mindful with your stoves and gas cylinders position. To harmonize, place a bowl of ‘still’ water on this sector.

The following stars 4, 6, 8, 9 and 1 are deemed auspicious for this year. However, it must be properly addressed to activate the good energy.

Star 6 is at East sector. It can bring promotion, power and status. Place a bowl of still water at this location. Good for patriarch of the house. Be wary of foot injuries.

Star 8 the current prosperity star is at the centre. Avoid placing plants or wooden object in the centre of your house. Activities are encouraged. If you have baby or toddler at home, make this area their playground.

Star 9 is another wealth star at the Northwest sector. Place a moving water feature to bring you wealth luck and also enhance the luck to the patriarch in the family.

Star 1 is residing at the west sector and is good for couples whose bedrooms lie in this sector. Suitable for those newly wedded couple who wish to have baby. Good luck.

Star 4 is rather tricky. It can bring romance and academic success. It may also bring undesirable sexual affairs. This year star 4 is at the north sector. Your may place your children study desk here to improve their academic performance. To activate romance place a blue color vase with fresh flowers. Do not use artificial flowers if you’re looking for true love. For married couples place a pair of mandarin duck in your bedroom to enhance your relationship.

On the macro level, Star 9 a fire element flies to Northwest this year. In Feng Shui terms, Northwest is also known as the ‘Heaven’s Gate’. Fire burning the Heaven’s Gate is deemed inauspicious. This could imply the head of the family, head of department and regional leaders may face sever threat this year. Beware of road accidents and air travel to the Northwestern regions. Pay more attention to the Northwest sector of your homes and office.

The above recommended Feng Shui cures are based on traditional approach and also commonly proposed to my clients in my practice. Today, there are many equivalent Feng Shui products and are readily available. While you do have choices, make sure you got it right at the right place and it is not necessary that ‘expensive’ is better. Good luck.

The Year of the Tiger, 2010

Feng Shui Tips for the Metal Tiger Year 2010:

The East: This is the location of courage and military ability and it brings luck to anyone having a non-clerical job. If you want a promotion, put 8 white stones in the East grid of your house. If you want a salary raise, put a glass of water there. Those in disciplinary squads, rail maintenance, or those working as computer hardware technicians, interior decoration workers or construction workers would all benefit from this position.

The Southeast: There is where the Star Qi Chi shines on. It was the Star of strong luck previously and its luck is slowly fading. Yet, it still brings some luck. You can put a glass of water in the Southeast grid to boost your luck of wealth.

The South: This is the location of quarrels and fights and you can put a pink carpet in the South grid of your home to resolve. (If your job demands talking frequently to strangers, then you don't need to resolve it.)

The Southwest: This is the position of major sickness and it brings problems to your respiratory and digestive system. If your main door, kitchen or bedroom falls right on the Southwest grid, you would even have more serious symptoms. To resolve, put a music box or wind chimes in the Southwest grid of the house. You can also put other metal objects that make a sound there, such as several metal keys.

The West: This is the location of relationship. To boost your love luck and general human relations, put a glass of water here with a conventional music box next to it. Wind the music box from time to time to vibrate the water with sound waves. This is not restricted to single readers only. If you want to make more connections, or your job demands frequent social contacts and interpersonal skills, you should try it even if you're married.

The Northwest: There is the location of joyful events. If you have been in a steady relationship for some time but your wedding is not planned yet, you can put 4 potted plants and 9 steams of red flowers in this position to make it happen. Of course boosting the luck in this location catalyses all joyful events, such as having a baby if you're married, getting a career promotion or salary raise etc.

The North: This is where the luck of intellectual achievement is located. To boost such luck, you can grow 4 water bamboo plants in the North grid of your house. Or simply putting a glass of water there would help too. Besides enhancing the luck of students and scholars, such direction also has positive effects on signing contracts or processing of documents.

The Northeast: This is the direction of minor sickness and if your main door, kitchen or bedroom falls right on the Northeast grid of the house, you'd get sick easily. The ailments would be mostly related to the respiratory system (i.e. throat, trachea, and lungs) and the abdomen. You can put a metal object that makes a sound (e.g. a conventional music box, wind chimes or a bunch of metal keys) in that grid of your house to resolve.

The Central Grid: The Star of Wealth Ba Bai is here. You can put a glass of water, or grow water plants, or put a fish tank in the Central grid of your house to boost your luck of wealth.

May joy, happiness, wealth and health come to you
throughout the Year of the White Metal Tiger!

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