- Hand Analysis

brings a basic understanding of yourself,
your strengths and weaknesses.
can also help you understand why you react in certain
is the perfect reading for when you require an
understanding of your desires and needs.
The Art of Palmistry
Palm reading is an ancient art and
science. The knowledge of Palmistry empowers both men
and women by taking advantage of one's strengths and
overcoming one's weaknesses. The information on this
site will introduce you to this knowledge. Palmistry is
usually divided into two sections, Cheirognomy,
or the science of reading character from the shape of
the hand and fingers; and Cheiromancy,
the science of reading the actions and habits, the past,
present and future events from the formation of the palm
and the lines marked there on.
The art of palmistry (Chiromancy, or
Palm Reading) has been practiced for 5000 years,
according to writings from ancient China, India and the
Near East. Palmistry is the study of the lines and signs
of the hands. The lines and signs of the hand have been
used to study the character, as a psychological document
or to see diseases at their early stages. The
Babylonians and Egyptians read the fortune of a person
in his or her hands - as well as in the respective
astrological reading, which they saw closely related to
the hand lines. This is why they gave the names of
planets to the lines, fingers and signs as we still do
chief lines of the hand are Life Line, Head Line, and
the Heart Line. Other major lines include the Line of
Fate or Saturn Line, Line of Apollo or Sun Line. The
minor lines are Girdle of Venus, Line of Health, Line of
Intuition, Line of Mars, Lines of Affection, Infulence
Lines and Rascettes or Bracelets. The strength and the
direction of lines in conjunction with each type of hand
will determine the actions and habits and the
significant events in the life of a person that will
lead to success in career, health, wealth, love,
marriage, children and happiness.
Today palmistry is often seen as nonsense or at least a
party gag. But we can’t deny our fascination with this
ancient art, which has survived for thousands of years,
rooting in the rich life experience of our ancestors
from all over the world. The hand is as unique as its
owner, and right and left hand of the same person are
not alike and are read individually. Small children are
tactile learners, they learn with their hands by
touching, and from there they come to mentally abstract
thoughts. We come into contact with our environment by
using our hands - we caress, touch, grab, fumble. Brain
and hands are closely connected. This is reason enough
to look behind the bodily scenery. Flexible hands mean a
flexible mind, and the abilities of the hands improve
those of the brain. The fields of the cortex related to
hands and fingers have improved during the evolutionary
process more than the areas, where the other organs are
located, i.e. the feet. Did you know, that the thumb
needs as much space as all other 4 fingers of one hand
Today it is proven that the hand lines are a
representation of the experiences of the central nervous
system, and the lines, signs and grids in your hands are
the way of the brain to express itself. Changes in the
main hand lines mean changes in life. Sidelines change
and develop easier with less effect. An analysis of
character and psyche through hand lines is thus logical.
Today Palmistry
is accepted throughout the world. Professional palmists
can be found reading palms in every country in the
world. Major magazine and books have articles on
main function is to explain personality traits such as:
- stubbornness
- temper
- intelligence
- independence
- caring
- etc...
matters in Palmistry...the size of the hand, it's shape,
color, texture, the nails, depth of lines, even the
manner in which you hold your hands when I read your
The hand you
use to write with is your dominant hand. The lines on
this hand change through the years due to the
electromagnetic images from your brain which know your
lifepath. Lines can add on. Once added they do not go
The other hand
is your destiny hand. It generally remains the same
throughout your lifetime. I do not consider it your last
lifetime as both hands are generally similar.

The Basic lines
of the Palm
The Lines of
the Palm represent the degree of ease or conflict in a
person's life. Few lines can mean few worries,
however it may also represent a dul, uninteresting life.
As in all things, the key is balance.
- The
heart line governs
our emotional life.
- The
head line governs
our intellect and our ability to concentrate and
- The
life line demonstrates
how you look at your life and your personal control
of it.
- The
destiny line is often called the dream
line because it represents working for a dream or
- There are
many minor lines that control other aspects of the
personality and will.
Ovals on the
heart denote line-divorce, separation. A long heart
line: Overly romantic. A straight heart line: The mind
rules the heart. The heart lines ends on the Jupiter
mount: You want to control relationships
Above the heart
line: A "V" denotes empathic qualities. A
"U" from the Jupiter to the Apollo finger: Gay
lines under the Mercury finger: Karmic relationships:
Long lines that run across the palm of the hand to the
Mount of Venus (past lives) (thumb) denote marriages or
'living together'. (They are marked the same way).
Vertical lines:
Full ones that cross horizontal lines: Your children
should you decided to have any. Short lines:
Miscarriages, abortions. (This will come up on the
father's hand as well).
Head Line:
Education: College--crosses the entire palm. Masters
Program--has branches from the primary Head Line. Small
branches: Other courses of study.
Life Line:
Surround Venus Mount (thumb) Starts from above the thumb
and goes to the wrist. If not connected to the Head
Line: Caretaker, independent thinker, will give a lot in
this lifetime, usually first or last child in the
family-- or the only child (if the space is really
wide). Double line: Depression, needs therapy at some
point. A "V" closer to the wrist: a divorce A
split in the line: Moving far, changing destiny
Lines that
follow the Life Line of your Venus Mount (thumb area):
Spirit Guides, Past Lives
Fate / Career /
Destiny Line: Runs from the wrist straight up to the
Saturn (middle finger). Career / careers: will often
branch in many directions which will determine changes
in career and goals in one's lifetime. Doubled line
denotes: working at 2 careers at the same time.
Travel lines:
Run along the outside palm from the heart line to the
wrist. This needs to be viewed with a palm print to see
where the person will travel next! Many lines: Traveling
for business as well as pleasure. A few long lines:
Major trips that change your destiny, often seen in the
old years.
Money lines:
From outside of the Venus Mount to the heart line. Run
upward from the wrist. May have stars, bars or various
other markings to indicate money and how you will get
it. A wide "V" in that area: cash settlement.
Darker / deeper lines: Finances increase Scattered
lines: Make lost of money but at various times in your
life. Palm prints denote: white space in that area: you
will lend money but never get it back: learning lessons
with money. How many lessons depends on how many white
areas are between the life line and the thumb on your
palm print.
Other lines:
Pentagrams, Stars, Circles, Triangles, The letter
"M", the letter "V".
All markings
depend on the area of the hand where they are found.
Many markings
do not mean an old soul. Many men have few lines and are
old souls. Blue collar workers have fewer lines--usually
just the basic lines.
The mounts are
small mounds on the surface of the palm. They
relate to portential energy and activities the
person enjoys doing.
- A
prominant mount of Jupiter shows
intelligence and the signs of a natural leader.
A prominant mount of Saturn shows
a strong sense of responsibilty but may also
represent a loner.
- A
prominant mount of Apollo shows
enthusiasm and an artistic nature.
- A
prominant mount of Mercury shows a quick
wit and the d esire to meet challanges straight on.
- A
prominant mount of Venus shows a very
affectionate person who is very sympathetic to the
rights of others.
- The
degree of firmness of the mount of Mars
indicates the amount of agression that individual
- Ideally
the mount of Luna should be firm that
shows an active imagination.
- A
firm mount of Neptune gives the
ability to be an effective public speaker.
Divided into 3
sections each with a different reference on each finger.
Length of each section, and images on your palm print
tell much.
Jupiter finger:
Leadership, Self Esteem, The Teacher, Organization,
Punctuality, The Limelight. A strong determined person
will always have a long Jupiter finger, as do teachers,
and performers.
Saturn Finger:
Destiny, The Corporate World, Karma Long finger: Lots of
karma to work out. Section closest to palm: Your family
Section in the middle: Business world Section near the
tip of the finger, your spiritual path
Apollo Finger:
Creative, Metaphysical, Health If it points to the
Saturn finger: Your have karma in the metaphysical
Mercury Finger:
Communications: Writing, Computers, Media Much can be
gleamed in this area with a palm print as so many people
are in the communication fields now. A short finger:
does not go up as high as the third section on your
Apollo finger: Not great with writing, but will overcome
this by working with others. It the Mercury finger bends
in: You hold back what you need to say!
Venus finger:
How stubborn / or giving you are. It can be straight
(stubborn) ---or bent (subtle)--the giver. Please check
both hands as they may be different. i have one of each
The lengths of
the Jupiter and Apollo fingers must be compared. If the
Jupiter finger is shorter the person is often a late
bloomer as he / she will follow the dictates of others
and will not seek their own goals until their thirties.
Spaces between
fingers: Wide between Saturn and Jupiter: Will overspend
Holding out the
hands: When hands are placed down on the paper for the
palm print: Wide open: Friendly, outgoing. Big space
between the Mercury (pinky) and Apollo (ring) fingers:
Will move, needs lots of freedom and space.
Asked Questions:
What is
origin of palmistry?
Palmistry is a method of
counseling that originated in India over 3,000 years
ago. It is a part of a vast field of study, referred to
as Samudrik Shastra, which literally means the
ocean of knowledge. Palmistry is a sub-section of Samudrik
Shastra and deals specifically with the study of the
Is palmistry fortune-telling?
In a word: no. The
original intent of palmistry was for personality
assessment and counseling. One's emotional tendencies,
social attitudes, conscious awareness and subconscious
fears, blockages and strengths can be understood in
great detail through this in-depth system.
Can one make predictions
through palmistry?
You cannot make predictions with
palmistry. However, since there is a definite mind-body
connection, we know that negative or positive thinking
affects our well-being. As
well, due to our habitual way of thinking, we often
repeat the same behavior in the future as we exhibit in
the present. If we can understand the pattern of our
habits and thinking, then we can begin to isolate the
negative cycles of behavior and can replace them with
positive new ones. Palmistry can help you see these
patterns. With this information, you can shape own
How does palmistry work?
Palmistry is best seen as a
dynamic process. The lines of the hand are not carved in
stone. Since the lines of the hand reflect our thinking,
as our attitudes and behavior patterns change, the
lines reflect these changes. The lines physically change
as our thinking changes. In
fact, you can see distinct changes in as little as three
Which hand
is used for palm reading?
It is important to look at both
hands during a reading. Depending on which hand is
active (usually seen as the hand you write with), in
combination with the inactive hand, shows where you have
been (passive), and where you are likely headed (active)
in this life.
keep in mind that this is just an example of the reading
and how it is done. There, of course, is much more to
any reading than just the technical. All readings are a
combination of what you see and what you feel.
Rameshwar Prasad
invites you to the Wonderful World of Palmistry
Engineer Rameshwar Prasad (B.Tech., M.Tech., P.G.D.C.A.,
49 C (Second Floor), Pocket- B, SFS
Mayur Vihar,
New Delhi - 110096,
TeleFax : +(0091)-011-22615299, Mobile : +(0) 9810105218
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